Monday, November 16, 2015

Meet the Maker-JBirds & Sonshine

This week we meet Jbirds & Sonshine's maker Jaelynne Wormenor. Jaelynne is a school teacher and a lover of words. She is a loving Wife and Mother whom loves to create. She combined her love of scrapbooking & words to create beautiful block art. Using customer's names or meaningful words she turns them into home décor to brighten a room or encourage the soul. With wood and paper and all kinds of embellishments she creates personalized unique art.

What are the most popular sets to make?

I have a lot of fun making all kinds of block sets. Creating a set for a new baby born is super fun. But I’ve also been enjoying making sets with last names either for as a wedding gift for a customer or an anniversary celebration. I love looking back at all the different sets I’ve made. I love all the colours and how they can brighten a room! 

Where in Manitoba are you from and where do you reside today?

I was born and spent my first 3 years of life in Winnipeg and then my family moved East of the city to Oakbank, which is where I grew up and went to school. Since getting married I have come back to my ‘city’ roots. I love visiting the country but I’m also a city girl at heart. I love the diversity, all the social interaction.

We asked Jaelynne what is her favorite thing about living in Manitoba.

One of my fave things about Manitoba?? Hmmm... besides the friendly people, the coke slurpees...? I love the variety of the seasons. Although I am a sunshine girl who loves the beach and vitamin D...I think the variety of the seasons makes me appreciate the sun that much more!! I Just wish the winter was 4 months shorter!!

If you think you would enjoy Art from Jbirds and Sonshine or know someone who would, please email Jaelynne at or 204-261-1491
Check out and 'LIKE' Jbirds and Sonshine on Facebook

What is Makers Move Manitoba?

Makers Move is a platform your hub for all things handmade and home grown here in Manitoba!

Makers Move Manitoba was created by 2 proud Manitobans, Mandy Johnston and Brandy Sylvestre. We wanted to create a platform to showcase the MANY incredibly talented makers and shakers, located right here in our amazing province!

We strive to create a community for our Manitoba makers and anyone else who knows the value and importance of shopping local and supporting small business while fostering connections between businesses and consumers. In doing so, we hope to inspire Manitobans to think about where they want to spend their money, and who they want to support. We are passionate about supporting local!

"Every time you spend money, you're casting a vote for the kind of word you want."
- Anna Lappe

In order to ensure that we do our best to spread the word of this fabulous community, we have developed a presence on both Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter; Please be sure to check them out and like and share them to help us continue to grow the community.

Fellow Creative Souls and Founders of Makers Move Manitoba

Want to be featured by Makers Move Manitoba?

We love nothing more then spreading the word about awesome local businesses! If you are a SELLER of some sort, whether it be a maker, a baker, a crafter, a painter, a farmer, an upcycler, a vintage curator, an antique dealer, etc etc etc.....we would love to hear about what you do, and we will tell you what we can do for you!

E-mail us at and include the word BLOG in your subject line!

Photography by Kelly Allison Photography, photo's taken at Blacknot farm,logo by Pareair Custom Designs, word blocks by Jbirds & Sonshine, frame and chalkboard by Chalk It To Me, Brandy's boots by Northern Heart Designs, Mandy's scarf by Ashley Erika Designs, Mandy's earrings by Universal Abundance, Brandy's scarf by XOXO Knits, Brandy's earrings by Souvenir Handmade

Watch and SHARE our Promo Video:

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