Wednesday, December 30, 2015

5 reasons why you need AWESOME product photos!

5 Reasons Why You Need AWESOME Product Photos For Your Handmade Business

Reason #1:

Customers judge the quality of your products by the quality of your product photos. If the lighting is dim, the background is distracting, or the photos are blurry, the buyer will probably think twice before making a purchase.

Reason #2:

Customers make split-second decisions about buying your products, based on your product photos. You have just a few seconds to impress buyers before they click away from your site.

Reason #3:

Customers cannot see or touch your products in person, so your product photos must “tell the story” from afar. Be sure to display photos that are large enough for the customer to zoom in and see small details, too.

Reason #4:

Thousands of product photos vie for attention on online shopping venues such as Etsy. Your photos must stand out from the crowd! 

Reason #5:

Customers who can visualize themselves using your product are more likely to buy it. How will your product make them feel? How will it improve their life? Your product photos need to tell them!

Makers Move - Manitoba can help you with your PRODUCT PHOTOGRAPHY!

At Makers Move - Manitoba, we are fortunate to have the opportunity to meet and share the stories of our province's talented makers, growers and artisans. These talented members of our community share with us not only how they got started and the many successes they have had along the way, but also the major challenges they face in their businesses.

In a recent survey we created that was completed by over 100 Manitoba Makers, we learned that one of the greatest challenges that most sellers face in growing their handmade businesses is finding the time to do all of the behind the scenes work that it takes in order to market themselves and their business when all they really want to do is CREATE!

Makers Move - Manitoba has decided to start offering PRODUCT PHOTOGRAPHY to help out our sellers with one aspect that is SO VITAL to selling online, that takes up a lot of time!

Product photography sessions will be offered the 2nd Sunday of every month and to make it simple and easy to find the dates and to register, we have added our product photography calendar to the home page of our website.  If you click on it, you will be able to read about the details and purchase tickets which will ensure your products have a spot.

Participants who have purchased tickets and would like to have their products photographed must print off our photography contract and have it signed and dropped off at the same time that their products are dropped off or we will not take the photos.

Products need to be dropped off to 11 Shauna way on or before the Saturday before the photoshoot.  Items will not be accepted the day of the photoshoot.

If you have a specific prop that you would like in your photos, please drop it off at the time that you drop off your photoshoot.

Products may be picked up the Monday after the photoshoot, or at some point during the week following.

We also offer headshots and lifestyle photo's of makers engaged in their work to be used in the makers marketing, website, blogs, etc starting at $20 each. If this is something you are interested in, please send us an e-mail at to book.

We can come to you or you can come to us!

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